Friday, April 12, 2013

Re: Homosexuality in Texas

In response to a classmates commentary on Gay Marriage. I felt that the piece was written with more argument against homosexuality itself than the issue of gay rights and same-sex marriage. 
I will first point out that feeling that something is "truly disturbing" is an emotional or "pathos" based decision. It is not based on reason or fact. Logic based judgements are when critical thinkers use facts and rationale to understand the world around them. Logic makes an argument stronger because it is fact-based; facts are easy to cite and rarely refutable.  Then the idea that "men and women are always meant to go together"  - says who? The author of this commentary did not support this proposition with additional information to persuade the reader.  
Also, the author talks about how they were "simply dumbfounded when Karl Rove said that he could actually see the next REPUBLICAN president supporting homosexuality". Democrats and Republicans alike stand for or against gay marriage; the issue of gay rights is bipartisan and travels beyond party lines. What does political affiliation have to do with gay marriage? How is that a valid argument for banning gay marriage? Stating that it is surprising to see republicans supporting gay marriage does not support the validity of the authors argument.
Finally, I agree with the author that the government has bigger fish to fry; our rising national debt, declining relationships with other countries, or even the number of homeless and hungry in the United States are far more important. The government should not be involved in the marriage process at all. Marriage is a legally binding contract in our country, and our government should not be concerned with the gender of two people wishing to commit to a contract of marriage.

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